Timeline JS

STEP ONE Go to your WordPress site: https://YOURWEBSITENAME.wludci.info/admin

  1. Login with your username and password
  2. Go to Plugins
  3. Click the Add New link
  4. Search and locate Knight Lab Timeline
  5. Click Install Now
  6. Click Activate

STEP TWO Go to this webpage: http://timeline.knightlab.com/#make (This page has helpful info to help customize your timeline)

  1. Click on Get the Spreadsheet Template (Blue button) 
  2. Click on Make a Copy button
  3. Change the name of the file from Copy of Official… to whatever you want to call your spreadsheet (e.g. DCI180)
    • You do this by clicking into the spreadsheet name at top left of page next to the green sheet icon
  4. Under File select Share > Publish to the Web > Publish > OK > Close Window
  5. Before you close your browser, make sure you have copied the URL in your address bar.

STEP THREE Go back to https://YOURWEBSITENAME.wludci.info/admin and click on Posts or Pages in WordPress to create (add new) or update (all posts/pages) your blog post/page for this assignment

  1. Once in your post page, click Add Timeline (top of blog page, button with red diamond)
  2. Paste your Spreadsheet URL into the Data Source box when prompted and click Publish or Update at right of screen (URL should start with https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets…)
  3. Make edits to the Google Spreadsheet as needed (bookmark your google.docs spreadsheet for easy access)
    • Don’t change the column headers, don’t remove any columns, and don’t leave any blank rows in your spreadsheet
    • Images need to have URLS (add images to your Media library in WordPress and link to the URL